Oakland, California


A new year and a new home : Oakland.

After spending our collegiate tenure plus that time repeated over in the central New York city of Ithaca, we decided that it was time for a dramatic change.  So, we gave up our rural Quonset Hut on twenty acres outside of town and set our sights West.  Golden California promised to be enough of change (but not too much) and a significant improvement in climate.  We narrowed our target down to the East Bay area, and set off.

After our arrival, we explored the area (walking the dog, talking to bartenders and baristas, consulting other eastern ex-pats), and fell in love with Oakland.  Teeming with artists and home to the vibrant Art Murmur scene, the folks we chatted with were all super-excited about their town and all the stuff going on.  While many were lifers, we have found no shortage of fellow transplants.  Even a few New England Patriots fans.

So, we are now one-month into our residency in Ghost Town, Oakland, California.  It's not utopia, but it's home.  And we're really happy to call it that.


Paws Revisited


New exhibit on children's literature: Wardrobes and Rabbit Holes